The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) supports and participates in the model building energy code development processes administered by the ASHRAE and the International Code Council (ICC). DOE activities include developing and submitting code change proposals, conducting analysis of building energy efficiency and cost savings, and formulating underlying evaluation methodologies. Through participation in model energy code development for both commercial and residential buildings, DOE strives to make cost-effective, energy-efficient upgrades to current model codes.

Recommended Tool:

Energy Code Evolution – An Overview for Architects

Commercial Building Code Map

Commercial Building Code Development

Commercial State Code Map

The commercial building energy code development processes are administered by ASHRAE and the International Code Council (ICC). These organizations perform periodic revisions through separate established processes, allowing stakeholder participation from industry, the public and governmental entities. Once the revision process is completed, a new edition of the model code is published, which allows for adoption by states and localities.

Support and Analysis

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) participates in the development of commercial building code and standards to foster increased efficiency in new and existing commercial buildings. In support of this goal, DOE evaluates energy and cost benefits associated with code changes:

  • Methodology
  • Energy and Economic Analyses
  • Prototype Building Models

DOE reviews both the IECC and Standard 90.1 for opportunities to save energy, then prepares and submits proposed changes with supporting documentation for consideration. DOE maintains membership on the Standard 90.1 Standing Standards Project Committee (SSPC 90.1) and provides support through each of its five subcommittees. For the IECC, DOE develops and submits proposed changes, and supports those proposals through the public hearing process. Pursuant to those activities, newer editions of both Standard 90.1 and the IECC provide criteria fostering increased energy efficiency in commercial buildings. More information on these processes may be found by visiting the ASHRAE or ICC websites.
For more information on the DOE role in the development of building energy codes, visit the About section of this website. Past commercial DOE code change proposals for the IECC are also archived.
ASHRAE and the ICC also produce Green Building Codes following similar processes and promoting higher efficiency levels than minimum code requirements.

Residential Building Code Map

Residential Building Code Development

Residential State Codes

The residential building energy code development process is administered by the International Code Council (ICC). The ICC performs periodic revisions through an established processes, allowing stakeholder participation from industry, the public and governmental entities. Once the revision process is completed, a new edition of the model code is published, allowing for adoption by states and localities.

Support and Analysis

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) participates in the development of residential building codes and standards to foster increased efficiency in new and existing homes and low-rise residential buildings by incorporating cost-effective energy efficiency measures. In support of this goal, DOE evaluates benefits associated with code changes:

  • Methodology
  • Energy and Economic Analyses
  • Prototype Building Models

DOE reviews the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) and related standards for opportunities to save energy, and develops proposed changes with supporting documentation for consideration. For the IECC, DOE develops and submits proposed changes and supports those proposals through the public hearing process. DOE also maintains membership on the ASHRAE 90.2 Standing Standards Project Committee. More information on these processes may be found by visiting the ASHRAE or ICC websites.
For more information on the DOE role in the development of building energy codes, visit the About section of this website. Past residential DOE code change proposals for the IECC are also archived.

Understanding Codes 101

Building Energy Codes Program Background


The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) supports and participated in the model building energy code development process administered by the ASHRAE and the International Code Council (ICC). The DOE participates in development for commercial and residential building code change proposals, conducts analysis of energy efficiency and cost savings, and evaluates methodologies.


The adoption of model codes presents an opportunity to save energy in residential and commercial buildings. The U.S. does not have a national code or standard, so the DOE provided technical assistance to state and local levels of government to facilitate the adoption process.


The key to utilizing the full benefits associated with building energy codes is through compliance verification. Effective compliance and enforcement unlocks more energy savings, reduced costs, higher building resale value, and minimized environmental impact.

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